+44 7874 011949 info@tutorexpertz.com

How it Works

3 Easy steps to hire an Online Tutor at Tutor Expertz

Step 01

Submit the Tuition Request

Submit the Tuition Request form below to Tutor Expertz. (Your personal information is kept confidential).

Step 02

Meet the tutor for FREE

After the submission, our administrator would schedule a FREE (30 minutes) “Meet the tutor” call.

Step 03

Enjoy your sessions!

Once you meet the tutor and are completely satisfied, you can make payment and tutoring would commence.

Tutor Expertz tutoring classes have proved to be highly productive and result oriented

Up-to-Date Teaching Methodologies

Our tutors are professionally trained lecturers. They know exactly how to deal with a specific curriculum. Whether you’re taking GCSE Edexcel Chemistry or IB Standard/High Level Mathematics, our tutors are well aware of the techniques and tactics required to ace an exam.

Learn with the best

Our experts hold Master’s Degrees (or higher) in their respective subjects and have 11+ years of teaching experience.

Economical and saves time

In-Person or Face to Face tutoring easily costs from US$40 to US$60/hr based on your region, while online classes with Tutor Expertz cost less than half of it. Furthermore, you don’t need to waste any more time, money and energy on travelling.

Quality Assurance

Every session is closely monitored by Tutor Expertz management, and we take full responsibility of all the tutoring sessions. No hassle of searching for a good tutor, we take all the pains on our end!

Tutor shares productive notes

Useful notes and relevant presentations are shared by the tutor after every session. This is a Tutor Expertz protocol and is always taken care of.

Personalized sessions

Your tutoring sessions with Tutor Expertz are customized according to your needs. Our students get to study exactly what they want to study. This also works well in emergency situations, like when a student is totally unprepared for an upcoming exam/test.